In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, notice is made of QTL, Inc's rights in the United States Patents listed on this webpage and associated with the following products:

Patent # QTL Product
D846,786 S WURM Flexible Fixture
D863646 S KURV Flexible Fixture
D872,931 S BOXA/ZALA Fixture Housing
D847,395 S BOXA Flexible Fixture
D798,471 S FLUR Extrusion, FLUR Linear Fixture
D799,066 S VEVE Extrusion, VEVE Linear Fixture
D799,065 S LATO Extrusion, LATO Linear Fixture
10,619,828 B2 BOXA, KURV, WURM Flexible Fixtures
8,106,313 Q-CLIK Wire Fitting